"À l’atelier (les amis)", Charles Humbert (1916), Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Chaux-de-Fonds, 2020. Photo: Victor Savanyu.
"Great in the concrete", Place Pury, Neuchâtel, 2022. Photo: Ville de Neuchâtel.
"Unswept Floor: a Leak in the Ceiling", 2023. Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, photo: Stefan Rohner.
"Unswept Floor: a Leak in the Ceiling", 2023. Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, photo: Stefan Rohner.
"Caesarina", 2022, Sculpture Garden Geneva. Photo: Greg Clément.
"That belongs in a Museum !", A.Romy, Zürich, 2022. Photo: Philip Frowein.
"That belongs in a Museum !", A.Romy, Zürich, 2022. Photo: Philip Frowein.
"PLVS VLTRA", Quark, Genève, 2020. Photo: Annick Wetter.
"Laughing Stock", Musée des beaux-arts de la Chaux-de-Fonds, 2020. Photo: Aline Henchoz.
"Nostalgia and Bombast", Palais de l'Athénée, Genève, 2021. Photo: Greg Clément.
"Footnotes sculptures", 2023. Swiss Art Awards. Photo: Gina Folly.
"Janus", 2024
Untitled [Head of Eugène Pittard (1867-1962)], Luc Jaggi, 1969, bronze, MEG collection, inv. n°ETHEU
068890 & @fmac.geneve collection, inv. n°1969-009 (recast 1985); stainless steel base, 15.6x70x37 cm
Inaugurated in front of the MEG in 1969, the head was stolen in 1985 and a new cast was made. The stolen work was then found later and was registered for this show in the inventory of MEG’s European collections.
"Dan Flavin, 'untitled (for Mary Ann and Hal with fondest regards) 2', 1976 [brown napkin, 1977]", Mathias C. Pfund, 2024. Photo: Thomas Annaheim Lambert.
"Dan Flavin, 'untitled (for Mary Ann and Hal with fondest regards) 1', 1976 [brown napkin, 1977]", Mathias C. Pfund, 2024. Photo: Thomas Annaheim Lambert.
"with fondest regards", outside view by night. Photo: Lea Kunz.
"Un temps très vieux", 2024, Van Buuren Museum and Garden. Photo: Fabrice Schneider.
"For Belgian Friends", 2024, Van Buuren Museum and Garden. Photo: Fabrice Schneider.